How do I stop my dog from destroying his bed in his crate (2024)

How do I stop my dog from destroying his bed in his crate

Anyone who has a destructive dog knows the feeling of coming home to find the dog bed in his crate destroyed, the sofa torn into pieces, and the remote control destroyed. However, one common problem that many dog owners face is their dog destroying the bed in their crate. This behavior can be costly and dangerous for the dog if they ingest the material, so it’s important to address it as soon as possible.

Some changes in routine, such as buying a bed for destructive dogs and walking the dog more, may be necessary to control your pet. If you are one of those asking this question: “How do I stop my dog from destroying his bed in his crate?” In these Pawsitive Dog Training Tips, we’ll explore the reasons why dogs may destroy their beds and provide some practical tips on how to stop this destructive behavior.

Why does my dog destroy his bed in his crate?

There are several reasons why dogs may destroy their beds in their crates. Here are some of the reasons for this destructive behavior from your furry friend:

Separation anxiety

Dogs who suffer from separation anxiety may feel stressed and anxious when they are left alone, which can lead to destructive behavior, including chewing and destroying their bedding.


A dog who is left alone for long periods without any stimulation or toys may become bored and look for ways to entertain himself, which can include destroying his bed in his crate.


A puppy that is teething may chew and destroy his bed in his crate as a way to relieve his discomfort.

Lack of exercise

A dog that doesn’t get enough exercise may have excess energy, which he may try to expend by chewing and destroying his bed in his crate.

Poor quality dog bed

If the bedding in the crate is of poor quality, uncomfortable, or too thin, the dog may try to tear it apart or move it around to create a more comfortable sleeping environment.

Lack of training

If the dog has not been trained to use the crate properly, they may try to escape or destroy the bedding in an attempt to get out.

Medical issues

In some cases, dogs may destroy their bedding due to medical issues such as allergies, gastrointestinal problems, or dental issues.

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Why does my dog chew up his bed in his crate?

There are several reasons why your dog may chew up his bed in his crate:


Just like human babies, puppies also go through a teething phase where their gums are sore and they feel the need to chew on things to relieve the discomfort.


A dog that is left alone for long periods of time or is not given enough exercise and mental stimulation may turn to destructive behavior, such as chewing on the bed in his crate.


Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, fear, or stress may resort to destructive behavior as a way to cope with their emotions.


Some dogs may develop the habit of chewing on their beds, even if they have no underlying physical or emotional issues.

Lack of appropriate chew toys

If a dog does not have access to appropriate chew toys, such as durable rubber toys or bones, they may resort to chewing on their bed as a way to satisfy their natural urge to chew.

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Why does my dog keep scratching his bed in his crate?

Dogs scratch their beds for a variety of reasons, including:

Nesting instinct

Dogs have a natural instinct to create a comfortable nest or den to sleep in, and scratching the surface of their bed helps them create a comfortable space.

Marking his territory

A dog has scent glands in its paws, and scratching his bed in his crate is a way for him to leave his scent and mark his territory.


Scratching can be a form of exercise for dogs, as it allows them to stretch their muscles and release excess energy.

Relieving stress and anxiety

Some dogs may scratch their beds in their crates as a way to relieve stress or anxiety. The repetitive motion of scratching can be soothing and calming for some dogs.

Removing dirt and debris

Scratching can also help a dog to remove dirt and debris from his bed in his crate, keeping it clean and comfortable.

Overall, scratching their bed is a natural behavior for dogs and is not usually a cause for concern unless it becomes excessive or destructive.

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Why do dogs dig in their beds?

Dogs may dig in their beds for several reasons, including instinctual behavior, temperature regulation, and making their sleeping area more comfortable.

Natural Instincts

One of the most common reasons why dogs dig in their beds is because of their natural instincts. Dogs are descendants of wolves, who would dig dens in the wild to create a safe and comfortable place to sleep. This behavior has been passed down to dogs, and they often feel the need to dig and scratch at their beds to create a comfortable sleeping space.

Temperature Control

Dogs may dig in their beds to regulate their body temperature. By digging and rearranging the bedding, they can create a cooler or warmer spot to sleep, depending on the ambient temperature. This behavior is particularly common in breeds with thick coats, which may overheat easily.


Just like humans, dogs like to be comfortable when they sleep. By digging in their beds, they can create a comfortable indentation that conforms to their body shape. This can be particularly important for dogs with joint pain or arthritis, who may need a soft and supportive surface to sleep on.

Anxiety or Stress

Dogs may also dig in their beds as a way of coping with anxiety or stress. This behavior can be a self-soothing mechanism and may be particularly common in dogs who have experienced trauma or who are anxious about separation.


Finally, dogs may dig in their beds simply because they are bored. Dogs who are left alone for long periods of time or who do not get enough exercise or mental stimulation may resort to digging as a form of entertainment. Providing your dog with plenty of exercise, toys, and attention can help prevent this behavior.

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How do I stop my dog from destroying his bed in his crate?

Now that we know some of the reasons why dogs may destroy their bedding, let’s look at some practical tips on how to stop this behavior.

Provide Adequate Exercise and Stimulation

Dogs who get enough exercise and mental stimulation are less likely to engage in destructive behavior. Make sure your dog gets plenty of daily exercise and provides them with toys, puzzle games, and other mental stimulation to keep them entertained and occupied.

Use a Sturdy Bed

Invest in a high-quality, sturdy bed that can withstand your dog’s chewing and scratching. Avoid beds made from flimsy materials, such as cheap foam or synthetic fabrics, as they are more likely to be destroyed.

Remove the bedding.

If your dog continues to destroy his bed in his crate, consider removing it altogether. Some dogs prefer sleeping on a hard surface, so removing the bed in the crate may be a better option for them.

Try a Different Type of Bed

If your dog continues to destroy his bed in his crate, try a different type of bed. Some dogs prefer beds made from different materials, such as elevated beds or those made from natural materials like wool or cotton.

Address separation anxiety.

If your dog is destroying his bed in his crate due to separation anxiety, you’ll need to address this issue to stop the behavior. This may involve crate training, behavior modification, or medication.

Consult with a veterinarian.

If your dog is destroying his bed in his crate due to medical issues, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems. Your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes, medication, or other treatments to help address the problem.


Until your dog has stopped destroying his bed in his crate, it’s important to supervise him when he’s in his crate. This will allow you to catch him in the act and redirect his behavior.


A dog who destroys his bed in his crate can be frustrating for his owners, but with patience and persistence, this behavior can be stopped. By addressing the root cause of the behavior, providing adequate exercise and stimulation, using a sturdy bed, and consulting with a veterinarian if necessary, you can help your dog overcome this destructive habit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to stop dog from tearing up blankets?

Here are some tips on how to stop your dog from tearing up blankets:

  • Identify the cause of the behavior: Is your dog bored? Anxious? Teething? Once you know the cause, you can start to address it.
  • Provide your dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation: A tired dog is a good dog! Make sure your dog is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, and provide them with plenty of toys and puzzles to keep their mind active.
  • Give your dog their own blanket to chew on: This will help to redirect their chewing behavior and give them something that is acceptable to destroy.
  • Supervise your dog when they are around blankets: If you catch them chewing on a blanket, calmly redirect them to their own blanket or to a toy.
  • Use a bitter apple spray or deterrent on your blankets: This will make the blankets taste unpleasant to your dog and discourage them from chewing on them.

Why does my dog chew his bed at night?

There could be various reasons why your dog chews his bed at night. It’s possible that he is experiencing boredom or anxiety, and chewing provides him with a way to relieve stress. Additionally, some dogs may engage in destructive chewing due to teething or dental issues. It’s important to observe your dog’s behavior and consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist for a more accurate assessment and guidance on how to address this behavior.

What kind of bed should I get for my dog if he is a chewer?

If your dog is a chewer, you will need to get a bed that is made of a durable material. Some good options include beds made of canvas, denim, or nylon. You should also avoid beds with stuffing, as this can be a choking hazard for chewers. Below are some options to consider:

How can I make my dog’s crate more comfortable?

There are a few things you can do to make your dog’s crate more comfortable:

  • Put a blanket or pillow in the crate: This will help to make the crate feel more like a den and make your dog more comfortable.
  • Put a toy in the crate: This will give your dog something to do while they are in the crate.
  • Make sure the crate is the right size: The crate should be large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around in, but not so large that they can get too comfortable and start to chew on the bed.

What should I do if my dog still destroys his bed after I have tried everything?

If your dog is still destroying his bed after you have tried everything, you may want to consult with a veterinarian or certified dog behaviorist. They can help you to determine the underlying cause of the behavior and develop a personalized training plan.

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