How to disinfect blankets without washing

I know there are many people that would love to learn how to disinfect blankets without washing them, just like we have users asking how to wash dog blankets without a washing machine. If you are in this category, this Pawsitive Guide is for you.

Blankets, especially dog blankets are one of the most important household items that provide warmth and comfort. They come in various materials, including wool, cotton, fleece, and others. However, like any other item, blankets need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly to keep them free from germs, bacteria, and viruses.

Washing is the most common way to clean both human and dog blankets, but what if you don’t have access to a washing machine or don’t want to wash your blankets too often? In this article, we will discuss how to disinfect blankets without washing them.

Why is it important to disinfect dog blankets?

Blankets are used to provide warmth and comfort, but they can also harbor germs, bacteria, and viruses that can cause illness for our dogs. Sharing blankets with others, sleeping with pets, or simply being exposed to the environment can cause a buildup of bacteria and germs on the surface of blankets. So, regular cleaning and disinfection can help prevent the spread of illness and keep your blankets fresh and hygienic.

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How can you disinfect blankets without washing?

Now that you’ve understand why it is necessary to disinfect blankets, it’s time to learn how you can actually do it without washing.

Use a disinfectant spray

Disinfectant sprays are a great way to quickly clean and disinfect blankets without the need for washing. Choose a disinfectant spray that is safe for use on fabric and follow the instructions carefully.

To use, spray the disinfectant evenly over the surface of the blanket, paying extra attention to areas that come into contact with skin. Let the disinfectant sit for a few minutes before wiping off any excess with a clean cloth. You can also leave the disinfectant to dry naturally.

Steam cleaning is also an effective way to disinfect blankets without washing them. You can use a steam cleaner or a garment steamer to kill bacteria and germs on the surface of the blanket. Hold the steamer a few inches away from the blanket and run it over the surface, paying extra attention to areas that come into contact with skin. Make sure you cover the entire surface of the blanket, including the edges and corners. Once you have steamed the blanket, let it dry completely before using it again.

Baking soda is a natural disinfectant that can be used to clean and disinfect blankets without washing them. Sprinkle baking soda over the surface of the blanket and let it sit for a few hours. Baking soda will absorb any odors and kill bacteria and germs on the surface of the blanket. Once you have let it sit for a few hours, shake the blanket to remove any excess baking soda, and then vacuum it to remove any remaining residue.

UV-C light is a powerful disinfectant that can kill bacteria and germs on the surface of blankets. You can use a UV-C light wand or a UV-C light box to disinfect your blankets without washing them. Simply place the blanket inside the box or run the wand over the surface of the blanket, making sure you cover the entire surface. UV-C light is effective in killing bacteria and germs within a few minutes. However, be careful not to overexpose your skin or eyes to the UV-C light.


Freezing is a simple and effective way to kill bacteria and germs on the surface of blankets. Simply place the blanket in a sealed plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a few hours. The low temperature will kill any bacteria and germs on the surface of the blanket. Once you have taken it out of the freezer, let the blanket come back to room temperature before using it.

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Now that we’ve answered the question, “How to disinfect blankets without washing”, it is important to note that disinfecting blankets is not a substitute for washing them. Washing your blankets regularly is still the best way to remove dirt, sweat, and other contaminants that accumulate on the surface of the fabric. However, disinfecting blankets between washings can help keep them fresh and hygienic.

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