How to keep my dog from falling off the bed? (2024)

I have seen my dog fall off my bed multiple times while sleeping, and I know for sure that I am not the only one that has experienced this. This calls for a serious concern because it can lead to injuries and discomfort for the dog. So, today, I will try and give you some tips on this frequently asked query: “How to keep my dog from falling off the bed.” But before then, let’s look at why dogs keep falling off the bed.

Why does my dog keep falling off the bed?

There are several reasons why dogs may fall off the bed, which we’ll discuss in detail below.

The dog is a puppy or a senior

Puppies and older dogs are more likely to fall off the bed as they may have difficulty with mobility and balance. Puppies, in particular, are still developing their coordination and may not be able to judge distances and heights accurately.

Medical issues

If you have a dog, it may have underlying medical issues that affect its balance and coordination. These conditions can include vestibular disease, neurological disorders, or vision problems.

Disorientation during sleep

Dogs can experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep just like humans, which can cause them to move and twitch during sleep. If the dog is in a deep sleep and suddenly moves or jumps, they may become disoriented and fall off the bed.

The bed is too high for your dog

If the bed is too high or the dog is small, it may be challenging for them to jump up or down. In some cases, the dog may misjudge the distance and fall off the bed accidentally.

Anxiety or fear

Dogs that experience anxiety or fear may fall off the bed while trying to find a place to hide or escape. They may also become restless and move around the bed, which can increase the likelihood of falling off.

Poor eyesight

Dogs that have poor eyesight may have difficulty navigating their surroundings, including the bed. They may not be able to see the edge of the bed or the distance between the bed and other objects in the room.

Lack of training or obedience

Some dogs may not have been trained to stay off the bed or to jump up and down from it safely. This can result in them falling off, either accidentally or intentionally trying to jump down from an unsafe height.

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Sleeping position

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The sleeping position of the dog can also contribute to falling off the bed. For example, if the dog is sleeping too close to the edge of the bed or with their legs hanging off the side, they may be more prone to falling off.

How to keep my dog from falling off the bed

Now that we understand why dogs keep falling off the bed, here is how every dog owner can stop their dog from falling off the bed:

Provide a suitable bed for your dog

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One of the easiest ways to prevent your dog from falling off the bed is to provide them with a suitable bed. A dog bed that is the right size and shape for your pet will ensure they have a comfortable and secure sleeping surface.  It is essential to consider your dog’s size, weight, and sleeping habits when selecting a bed.

Recommended dog beds:

Use a bed guard

A bed guard is a simple and effective tool that can help prevent your dog from falling off the bed.   These guards are designed to fit onto the sides of the bed and create a barrier to keep your dog from rolling off. Bed guards come in various sizes and styles, so you can choose one that fits your bed and matches your decor.

Train your dog to stay on the bed

Another way to keep your dog from falling off the bed is to train them to stay put. This can be achieved through positive reinforcement training, in which you reward your dog for staying on the bed. You can also teach your dog a command to stay on the bed, such as “stay” or “place.” Consistency and patience are essential when training your dog.

Use pillows or cushions

Using pillows or cushions can create a soft landing spot for your dog if they accidentally roll off the bed.   These items can also create a barrier to keep your dog from falling off. Place the pillows or cushions strategically along the edges of the bed so they act as a buffer.

Monitor your dog regularly

Finally, one of the most effective ways to keep your dog from falling off the bed is to supervise or monitor your dog regularly when they are on the bed. This means keeping an eye on your pet and intervening if you notice them getting too close to the edge. It is essential to remember that accidents can happen, so always be prepared to catch your dog if they fall.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best bed size for my dog?

The best bed size for your dog will depend on their size and sleeping habits. Ideally, your dog’s bed should be large enough for them to stretch out comfortably, but not so large that they feel insecure.

Can I use a baby gate to keep my dog from falling off the bed?

Yes, a baby gate can be an effective way to keep your dog from falling off the bed. However, it is important to make sure the gate is secure and that your dog cannot jump over it.

Is it safe for my dog to sleep on my bed?

Sleeping on the bed with your dog can be a great way to bond with them. However, it is essential to make sure your dog is comfortable and safe. If your dog is prone to falling off the bed, it may be best to provide them with their own bed and try as much as possible to retrain your dog not to sleep on your bed.

What should I do if my dog falls off the bed?

If your dog falls off the bed, check them for any injuries or signs of discomfort. If you notice any swelling or signs of pain, take them to the vet. Otherwise, comfort and soothe your dog, and try to prevent them from falling off again in the future.

Can I use a crate to keep my dog from falling off the bed?

Yes, you can use a crate to keep your dog from falling off the bed. However, it is essential to make sure the crate is the right size for your dog and that they have enough space to move around comfortably.  Care should be taken to prevent your dog from destroying his bed in his crate.

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