Is pine shavings good for dog bedding? (2024)

Hello, dog owners! Hear this today: one of the most important factors in making sure your dog has a healthy and comfortable life in your home is choosing the right bedding for it. When it comes to dog bedding, there are several options available, and one that has gained popularity is pine shavings. In this article, we will explore the question, “Is pine shavings good for dog bedding?” and provide a comprehensive analysis of its benefits, potential risks, and alternatives. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of whether or not pine shavings are the right choice for your dog’s bedding needs. So, let’s dive in and find out why choosing the right bedding for your dog is crucial for their health and happiness.

Before going further, you may like to check out the 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Bed for Your Dog.

Pine shavings for dog bedding

What are pine shavings?

Pine shavings are thin strips of wood that are produced by shaving the wood of pine trees. Pine shavings are widely used as bedding material for various animals, including dogs, horses, and other livestock.

Pine shavings are derived from the wood of pine trees, which are abundant in North America. Pine trees are harvested and debarked, and the resulting logs are then processed into thin strips using a wood shaver. The resulting shavings are then dried to reduce their moisture content before being packaged and sold.

Is pine shavings good for dog bedding?

Yes, pine shavings can be a good choice for dog bedding due to their absorbency, pleasant scent, affordability, and availability. However, it is important to be aware of potential risks associated with their use, such as the risk of respiratory problems if the shavings are not properly ventilated. As with any bedding material, it is important to take appropriate precautions to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort.

Benefits of pine shavings for dog bedding

Pine shavings are often used as bedding for animals for several reasons. Here are some of the key reasons why pine shavings are popular as animal bedding:


One of the main benefits of pine shavings for dog bedding is their absorbency. Pine shavings are capable of absorbing a significant amount of moisture and odors, which is essential for keeping your dog’s sleeping area clean and dry. They can absorb up to three times their weight in moisture, making them an excellent choice for dogs that tend to sweat or drool.

Natural Scent

Another advantage of using pine shavings as dog bedding is their natural scent. Pine has a pleasant, fresh aroma that can help neutralize odors in your dog’s sleeping area. The scent of pine can also have a calming effect on dogs, which is beneficial for anxious or stressed pets.


Pine shavings provide a comfortable surface for your dog to sleep on. They are soft and cushioned, which is essential for older dogs or those with joint pain. The shavings also mold to your dog’s body, providing support and reducing pressure points. Check out the best dog bed for dogs with arthritis.


Keeping your dog’s bedding clean and hygienic is essential for their health and well-being. Pine shavings have natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. This reduces the risk of infections and keeps your dog’s sleeping area clean and safe.


Pine shavings are a renewable and biodegradable resource, making them an eco-friendly choice for dog bedding. Unlike synthetic materials, pine shavings are not harmful to the environment and can be safely disposed of or composted.


Pine shavings are widely available at pet stores and farm supply stores, making them a convenient choice for pet owners and farmers.


Pine shavings are relatively affordable compared to other types of animal bedding, such as straw or hay.

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Potential risks of pine shavings for dog bedding

While pine shavings can be an effective and popular choice for dog bedding, there are also potential risks associated with their use. Here are some of the main risks associated with using pine shavings as dog bedding and how to minimize them:

Respiratory problems

Pine shavings can release dust and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cause respiratory problems in both dogs and humans. This risk can be minimized by choosing kiln-dried pine shavings, which have lower levels of dust and VOCs. It is also important to ensure proper ventilation in the bedding area to help reduce the concentration of any dust or VOCs that may be present.


Dogs, like humans, can develop allergies to certain substances, including pine shavings. If your dog has a history of allergies or respiratory problems, it may be best to avoid using pine shavings as bedding material.


Pine shavings can occasionally contain splinters that can cause injury to dogs. To minimize this risk, it is important to select high-quality pine shavings that have been screened for any debris or contaminants.


Dogs may be tempted to chew or eat pine shavings, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. To minimize this risk, it is important to monitor your dog closely when using pine shavings as bedding and to remove any shavings that your dog may attempt to eat.

How to minimize the risks associated with using pine shavings for dog bedding

To minimize the risks associated with using pine shavings as dog bedding, here are some additional steps you can take:

  1. Use a high-quality brand of pine shavings that has been screened for debris and contaminants.
  2. Ensure proper ventilation in the bedding area to reduce the concentration of dust and VOCs.
  3. Use kiln-dried pine shavings, which have lower levels of dust and VOCs.
  4. Monitor your dog closely when using pine shavings as bedding, and remove any shavings that your dog may attempt to eat.
  5. Consider using an alternative bedding material, such as shredded paper or straw, if your dog has a history of allergies or respiratory problems.

Alternatives to pine shavings for dog bedding

There are several alternative types of pine shavings for dog bedding that you may want to consider. Here are some of the most common alternatives to pine shavings for dog bedding:

1: Shredded paper

Shredded paper, such as newspaper or office paper, can be a good option for dog bedding. It is inexpensive, readily available, and easy to replace. However, shredded paper does not provide as much cushioning as some other bedding materials, and it can become compacted over time, which can reduce its effectiveness as a bedding material.

2: Straw

Straw is a natural and biodegradable bedding material that can provide good insulation and cushioning for dogs. It is also affordable and readily available. However, straw can be dusty and attract rodents, which can be a concern in some areas.

3: Hay

Hay is similar to straw in terms of its advantages and disadvantages as a bedding material. It is biodegradable, affordable, and provides good cushioning and insulation. However, like straw, it can be dusty and attract rodents.

4: Wood pellets

Wood pellets, made from compressed sawdust or wood chips, can be a good alternative to pine shavings. They are absorbent, biodegradable, and can help control odors. However, wood pellets can be more expensive than other bedding materials, and they can be more difficult to find in some areas.

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Advantages and disadvantages of each alternatives

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each alternative type of bedding for dogs:

Shredded paper Advantages

  1. Inexpensive and readily available
  2. Easy to replace
  3. Biodegradable


  1. Does not provide as much cushioning as some other bedding materials.
  2. Can become compacted over time.

Straw Advantages

  1. Natural and biodegradable
  2. Provides good insulation and cushioning.
  3. Affordable and readily available


  1. Can be dusty.
  2. Can attract rodents

Hay Advantages

  1. Similar to straw in terms of its advantages and disadvantages as a bedding material.
  2. Biodegradable
  3. Provides good cushioning and insulation.


  1. Can be dusty.
  2. Can attract rodents

Wood pellets Advantages

  1. Absorbent and helps control odors.
  2. Biodegradable
  3. Can be a good option for dogs with respiratory issues.


  1. Can be more expensive than other bedding materials.
  2. Can be more difficult to find in some areas.

Overall, there are several alternatives to pine shavings for dog bedding, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. By considering your dog’s individual needs and preferences, as well as your own budget and the availability of different types of bedding, you can make an informed decision about the best type of bedding material for your furry friend.

How to use pine shavings for dog bedding

If you’ve decided to use pine shavings as dog bedding, you’ve made a great choice! Like I mentioned earlier, pine shavings are a popular bedding material for dogs due to their absorbency, affordability, and availability. However, to use pine shavings as dog bedding effectively, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Use kiln-dried pine shavings: Kiln-dried pine shavings are heat-treated to remove moisture and kill any bacteria or insects that may be present. This ensures that the pine shavings are clean and safe for your dog to use as bedding.
  2. Choose the right size shavings: When using pine shavings as dog bedding, it’s important to choose the right size shavings. Smaller shavings are more absorbent and provide better cushioning for your dog, while larger shavings can be less absorbent and less comfortable for your furry friend.
  3. Layer the bedding: When setting up your dog’s bedding area, start with a layer of pine shavings at the bottom of the crate or kennel. Then, add additional layers as needed to provide adequate cushioning and absorbency.
  4. Spot clean as needed: To keep your dog’s bedding clean and fresh, it’s important to spot clean as needed. Remove any solid waste or wet spots immediately and replace them with fresh pine shavings.
  5. Deep clean regularly: In addition to spot cleaning, it’s important to deep clean your dog’s bedding area regularly. This may involve emptying out all of the pine shavings and scrubbing the crate or kennel with a pet-safe cleaner. Be sure to let the bedding area dry completely before adding fresh pine shavings.

How to clean and maintain the pine shavings dog bedding

When it comes to maintaining pine shavings as dog bedding, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Replace the bedding regularly: Over time, pine shavings can become compacted and less absorbent. To ensure that your dog’s bedding is clean and comfortable, it’s important to replace it regularly, ideally every 1-2 weeks.
  2. Store the shavings properly: If you buy pine shavings in bulk, it’s important to store them properly to prevent moisture and mold from developing. Keep the shavings in a cool, dry place, and make sure the bags are tightly sealed.
  3. Consider the scent: While pine shavings have a pleasant scent, some dogs may be sensitive to it. If your dog shows signs of respiratory issues or discomfort after using pine shavings as bedding, consider switching to a different type of bedding material.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some related frequently asked questions and answers about using pine shavings for dog bedding:

Are pine shavings safe for dogs?

Yes, pine shavings are safe for dogs when used correctly. However, it’s important to choose kiln-dried shavings and to monitor your dog for any signs of respiratory issues or discomfort.

How often should I change my dog’s pine shaving bedding?

It’s recommended to change your dog’s pine shaving bedding every 1-2 weeks to ensure that it’s clean and comfortable.

Can pine shavings cause respiratory problems in dogs?

In rare cases, pine shavings can cause respiratory problems in dogs, especially if they are sensitive to the scent or dust. It’s important to monitor your dog for any signs of respiratory issues, such as coughing or wheezing.

Can I use pine shavings as bedding for puppies?

Yes, pine shavings can be used as bedding for puppies. However, it’s important to choose smaller shavings for better absorbency and cushioning.

Can I compost pine shavings used as dog bedding?

Yes, pine shavings used as dog bedding can be composted. However, it’s important to remove any solid waste first and only compost pine shavings that have not been treated with any chemicals.


In conclusion, pine shavings can make an excellent bedding choice for your furry friend, as long as they are used correctly and safely. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your dog’s bedding is comfortable, absorbent, and easy to maintain. Remember to choose kiln-dried shavings, monitor your dog for any signs of respiratory issues, and clean and replace the bedding regularly.

I hope I have answered the question, “Is pine shavings good for dog bedding?” to your satisfaction. What do you think? Share the article.

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