Why Do Dogs Pee On Car Tires? (3 Main Reasons)

Why Do Dogs Pee On Car Tires

I was going through a Facebook page where beautiful pictures and videos of beautiful ladies 🥰 are posted on a daily basis. The beautiful lady who owns the page asked this question: “Why do dogs pee on car tires”. The question has generated more than 5 thousand comments and 11 thousand reactions so far. The comments, though some are funny😂, but there are hundred of interesting information on why dogs pee on car tires in that comment section.

With the kind of reaction the question is generating, it means that this is a very common behavior in dogs, and some dog parents may find it very puzzling and would love to know some of the reasons behind it. If you are at this table, worry no more! I am going to highlight the main reasons why dogs pee on car tires and how you can stop it if you so wish.

Understanding Dog Behavior

Before we delve into the specific reasons why dogs pee on car tires, it’s essential to understand their natural behavior and communication methods.

Marking Behavior

Marking behavior is a natural instinct in dogs, particularly in adult males. By urinating on objects, they leave behind a combination of scents, including pheromones, which serve as a message to other dogs. It’s a way for them to claim territory, establish their presence, and communicate their status.

Scent Communication

Dogs rely heavily on scent communication. Through their urine, they can convey information about their gender, reproductive status, health, and even emotional state. It’s a means of exchanging information with other dogs in their environment.

Why Dogs Choose to Pee on Car Tires

When it comes to selecting car tires as a target for urination, there are several factors that come into play.

Height and Accessibility

This is one of the factors that contributes to dogs peeing on car tires. Dogs naturally have a preference for marking objects that are at their eye level or within easy reach. Car tires, positioned at a convenient height for dogs, become attractive targets for their marking behavior.

For instance, imagine a small dog encountering a parked car. The height of the car tire aligns with the dog’s natural posture, making it easily accessible for them to mark. In contrast, larger objects like the car itself may be more challenging for the dog to reach comfortably.

Additionally, car tires are often located in public spaces where dogs frequently pass by during walks. This accessibility, combined with the presence of multiple scents left by other dogs, increases the likelihood of dogs being drawn to pee on car tires. The tires become convenient markers, allowing dogs to leave their scent in a prominent location that is visible to other dogs passing by.

The height and accessibility of car tires provide dogs with an opportunity to engage in their marking behavior conveniently, making them an attractive choice for dogs seeking to assert their presence or communicate with other dogs in their environment.

Familiar Smells

Familiar smells play a role in why dogs  pee on car tires. Dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, and they are naturally drawn to familiar scents, especially those associated with other dogs or animals. Car tires can carry a variety of odors from the road, wildlife, and other dogs, making them enticing targets for a dog’s olfactory exploration.

Take, for instance, a scenario where a dog walks past a parked car that has recently been driven. The tires may retain the scent of other dogs that have urinated on them during previous walks or encounters. When your dog detects these familiar smells, they may feel compelled to mark the tire with their own urine as a way of leaving their signature and reinforcing their presence.

The familiarity of these smells can trigger a dog’s curiosity and instinctual response to engage with the scents they encounter. It’s their way of gathering information about the dogs that have been in the area before them and potentially establishing a connection or asserting their presence in response to those scents.

Marking Territory and Dominance

Dogs marking their territory is a significant reason why dogs exhibit the behavior of peeing on car tires. Dogs have an innate instinct to establish and maintain their territory, and marking is their way of communicating ownership and boundaries to other dogs. When a dog urinates on a car tire, they leave behind their unique scent, effectively marking the tire as part of their territory.

To understand this behavior, let’s consider an example. Imagine a neighborhood where multiple dogs reside. Each dog has its own designated territory, which includes their home and the surrounding area. When a dog encounters a car parked in their territory, they may perceive it as an intrusion or a potential threat. By urinating on the car tire, the dog is sending a clear message to other dogs that this object is within their claimed territory.

Other dogs passing by can detect the scent left on the tire and understand that it belongs to a particular dog. This communication helps prevent conflicts and establish a hierarchical order among dogs in the neighborhood. It’s a way for dogs to assert their presence, mark their boundaries, and maintain a sense of security within their territory.

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How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing on Car Tires

Now that you know the reasons why your dog loves to pee on car tires, let’s look at how you can stop or prevent this behavior.

1. Use Dog Repellent

To prevent your dog from peeing on car tires, you can utilize dog repellents specifically designed to deter their marking behavior. These repellents are available in various forms, such as sprays, granules, or electronic devices. They often contain natural substances with strong odors that dogs find unpleasant, such as citrus, vinegar, or bitter agents.

When using a dog repellent, start by thoroughly cleaning the car tires to remove any existing urine scent. Then, follow the instructions on the repellent product and apply it to the tires. The repellent’s strong scent will discourage your dog from approaching and marking the treated area.

By far, the best repellent for this purpose is the PetCare Orange Oxy Stain Remover by OUT. With this stain and odor spray remover, you can clean up the dog pee and odor from your car tires and other objects marked by your dog!

PetCare Orange Oxy Stain Remover by OUT
Source: Amazon.com

It’s important to note that consistency is key when using dog repellents. Reapply the repellent periodically as directed to maintain its effectiveness.

2. Regular Bathroom Breaks

One of the most crucial steps in preventing dogs from peeing on car tires is providing them with regular and adequate bathroom breaks. Dogs typically need to relieve themselves every few hours, so establish a consistent schedule that allows them ample opportunities to empty their bladder in appropriate areas.

Take your dog for frequent walks, especially before and after encounters with car tires. Designate specific areas where you encourage your dog to eliminate, such as a patch of grass or a designated spot in your yard. By consistently bringing your dog to these areas, you reinforce the appropriate location for urination.

Additionally, observe your dog’s behavior for signs that they need to go to the bathroom, such as sniffing the ground or circling. Respond promptly by taking them to their designated bathroom area to prevent accidents or marking behaviors.

3. Distraction Techniques

Distraction techniques can be effective in redirecting your dog’s attention away from car tires and discouraging them from engaging in marking behavior. By providing alternative activities or stimuli, you can divert their focus and energy towards more appropriate behaviors.

One technique is to keep a favorite toy or treat on hand during walks or when near car tires. When you notice your dog showing interest in the toy or treat, offer it and engage them in play or training exercises. This redirects their attention and rewards them for focusing on the desired behavior.

Another effective distraction technique is using verbal cues or commands to redirect your dog’s attention. Teach them commands like “Leave it” or “Come” and practice them during walks or whenever you anticipate encountering car tires. By consistently reinforcing these commands and offering praise or rewards for compliance, you can effectively redirect your dog’s attention away from the tires.


Like I mentioned earlier, dogs peeing on car tires is a behavior driven by their natural instincts, including scent marking and territorial behavior. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help dog owners find ways to prevent it. That is it on the question, “Why Do Dogs Pee On Car Tires?” I hope you have learned one or two things from these Pawsitive Tips. Support us by sharing the post on your social media platforms. For more tips, check out the FAQs below.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is it normal for dogs to pee on car tires?

Yes, it is a natural behavior driven by their instinct to mark territory and communicate with other dogs.

Can neutering or spaying a dog prevent them from peeing on car tires?

Neutering or spaying can help reduce marking behaviors in dogs, including peeing on car tires, but it may not eliminate the behavior entirely.

Will punishing my dog for peeing on car tires solve the problem?

No, punishment is not an effective solution. It can create anxiety and worsen the behavior. Positive reinforcement and redirection are more effective approaches.

How long does it take to train a dog not to pee on car tires?

The time it takes to modify this behavior varies depending on the individual dog. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are keys to successful training.

Are there any health concerns associated with dogs peeing on car tires?

Generally, there are no direct health concerns. However, if the tires have been treated with chemicals or substances harmful to dogs, it can pose a risk to their well-being.

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