Why Does My Dog Cry When He Plays With Squeaky Toys? (5 Compelling Reasons)


Why Does My Dog Cry When He Plays With Squeaky Toys? (5 Compelling Reasons)

I had a funny experience today at a professional animal behaviorist’s office. A concerned dog owner walked into the office with his dog, and after sharing pleasantries, he asked, “Why does my dog cry when he plays with squeaky toys?” Although this wasn’t the actual problem that brought them to the office, but hearing this was funny as hell, and we laughed over it before the expert began to give him some of the compelling reasons for the dog’s behavior.

Now, if you’ve also noticed your dog shedding tears while playing with squeaky toys and you are wondering why they exhibit this peculiar behavior, worry no more! In today’s Pawsitive Tips, I’ll delve into the reasons why your dog might cry when engaging with squeaky toys, as given by my animal expert (animal behaviorist).

Why does my dog cry when he plays with squeaky toys?

Here are the top 5 compelling reasons why your dog cries when he plays with squeaky toys:

Sensitive Hearing

I don’t know if you know this, but dogs have a remarkable sense of hearing, far superior to that of humans. Squeaky toys emit high-pitched sounds that can be particularly intense for dogs. Because of this, some dogs might perceive these sounds as distressing or even painful, leading to tearful reactions. Their crying could be an instinctual response to protect their sensitive ears from what they perceive as discomfort.


Another reason why your dog might cry when playing with a squeaky toy is because of overstimulation. Squeaky toys are designed to capture a dog’s attention and trigger their prey drive. So when they play with these toys, they often become highly excited and engaged. However, this heightened state of arousal can sometimes overwhelm dogs, causing them to cry as a way of releasing built-up tension. It’s similar to how humans might cry when they feel overwhelmed or overstimulated.

Emotional Response

Dogs are highly emotional creatures and can experience a wide range of feelings. While some dogs may cry due to discomfort or overstimulation, others might cry out of sheer joy and excitement. Just like humans, dogs have their own unique ways of expressing emotions, and crying or whining can be their way of conveying happiness or enthusiasm during playtime.

Frustration or Frustration-Induced Behaviors

Squeaky toys can be both enticing and frustrating for dogs. Some dogs might exhibit crying behavior if they are unable to fully satisfy their prey drive by capturing the “prey” (the squeaky toy). This frustration can manifest as tears as well as other behaviors like whining, pacing, or barking. It’s important to monitor your dog’s behavior during play and ensure they have appropriate outlets for their energy.

Learned Behavior

In some cases, dogs may have learned that crying while playing with squeaky toys garners attention or rewards from their owners. If your dog has successfully used this behavior to receive attention in the past, they may continue to cry as a way to seek interaction or praise. So, it’s important to be mindful of inadvertently reinforcing this behavior, as it can lead to a cycle of crying during playtime, and this can be disturbing for the entire family trying to rest.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my dog hate the sound of squeaky toys?

Your dog might hate the sound of squeaky toys because of:

  • Sensory issue
  • Learned behavior
  • Natural instinct

If your dog is scared of squeaky toys, you can help them overcome their fear by:

  • Introducing them to the toy in a calm environment
  • Playing with the toy yourself
  • Being patient and not forcing them to play with the toy.

Why does my dog cry when he chews his toy?

There can be several reasons why your dog cries when chewing his toy. It could be due to dental pain, teething discomfort, toy-related issues, anxiety or stress, overstimulation, or attention-seeking behavior. Assessing their well-being, providing suitable toys, and addressing any underlying issues will help create a more enjoyable playtime experience. If the crying persists or is accompanied by concerning symptoms, consult a veterinarian or dog behaviorist for guidance.

Do squeaky toys give dogs anxiety?

Squeaky toys can potentially trigger anxiety in some dogs. The high-pitched sounds produced by squeaky toys may be overwhelming or distressing for certain individuals. It’s important to observe your dog’s behavior and responses to squeaky toys, and if you notice signs of anxiety or discomfort, it may be best to avoid or limit their exposure to these toys.

Is squeaky sound good for dogs?

Squeaky sounds from toys can be enjoyable and stimulating for many dogs. The high-pitched squeaks mimic the sounds of prey, triggering their natural instincts and engaging them in play. Squeaky toys can provide mental and physical stimulation, helping to keep dogs entertained and active.

However, it’s important to note that some dogs may find the sounds overwhelming or uncomfortable. It’s essential to observe your dog’s reactions and preferences, as individual dogs may have different responses to squeaky toys. If your dog shows signs of anxiety or discomfort, it’s best to offer alternative toys that they find enjoyable and suitable for their playtime needs.

Is it bad to give a dog a squeaky toy?

No, it is not inherently bad to give a dog a squeaky toy, but it depends on the individual dog and their preferences. Many dogs enjoy playing with squeaky toys, as they provide mental stimulation and mimic the sounds of prey.

How do I get my dog to play with squeaky toys?

To get your dog to play with squeaky toys, here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Choose the right toy: Not all squeaky toys are created equal. Some are made with materials that are more durable and less likely to be destroyed by your dog. It’s also important to choose a toy that’s the right size for your dog. A toy that is too small could pose a choking hazard, while a toy that is too large could be difficult for your dog to pick up and play with.
  • Make it fun: When you first introduce your dog to a new squeaky toy, make it fun and exciting. Play with the toy yourself and make the squeaker noise. This will help your dog associate the toy with positive experiences.
  • Use treats: Dogs are motivated by food, so using treats can be a great way to encourage them to play with a squeaky toy. Hide treats inside the toy or give your dog a treat every time they play with the toy.
  • Be patient: It may take some time for your dog to warm up to a squeaky toy. Don’t get discouraged if your dog doesn’t seem interested at first. Just keep introducing the toy to them in a fun and positive way, and eventually they will come around.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Try different types of squeaky toys: Some dogs prefer plush toys with squeakers, while others prefer rubber toys with squeakers. Experiment until you find a type of toy that your dog enjoys.
  • Make the toy more challenging: If your dog gets bored with a squeaky toy, try hiding it or making it more difficult for them to get to the squeaker. This will help keep them entertained.
  • Play with your dog regularly: The more you play with your dog, the more likely they are to be interested in playing with squeaky toys.
    With a little patience and creativity, you can get your dog to love playing with squeaky toys.


In conclusion, the crying behavior exhibited by dogs when playing with squeaky toys can stem from some of the factors mentioned above. As a responsible dog owner, it’s essential to observe your dog’s behavior closely and respond accordingly. If your dog’s crying seems excessive or concerning, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist who can provide further guidance tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Remember, every dog is unique in their own way, and what works for one may not actually work for another. So, by understanding and addressing the underlying causes, you can help create a more enjoyable and stress-free playtime experience for both you and your four-legged friend.

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