Why does my dog knead his blanket?

Why does my dog knead his blanket? Have you ever seen your dogs kneading and biting their blanket? It might seem like a strange behavior, but it’s actually quite common among dogs. In this article, we will explore why dogs knead their blankets and what it means.

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Why does my dog knead and bite his blanket?

Kneading and biting their blankets is a natural behavior for dogs. Below are some of the reasons for this behavior:

Bedtime Routine

One of the reasons why dogs knead their blankets is because it’s part of their bedtime routine. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they tend to follow a routine when it comes to bedtime. Kneading and biting their blanket is a way for them to wind down and get comfortable before going to sleep. It’s their way of telling themselves that it’s time to relax and get some rest.


Another reason why dogs may knead their blanket is when they are feeling anxious or stressed. Kneading and biting the blanket is a form of self-soothing behavior for dogs. It helps them feel more secure and relaxed. If your dog is kneading their blanket excessively, it may be a sign that they are feeling anxious or stressed.

Maternal Instinct

Another reason why dogs may knead their blanket is due to their maternal instinct. Just like nursing behavior, kneading can also be a way for female dogs to prepare a soft, comfortable nest for their puppies. This behavior is more commonly seen in female dogs who have recently given birth or are currently pregnant. However, some male dogs may also exhibit this behavior as a result of their nurturing instincts.

The Nursing Effect

Puppies instinctively knead their mother’s nipples while nursing, which helps stimulate milk flow. As they grow older, they may continue this behavior as a way of feeling comforted and secure. Some adult dogs may also exhibit this behavior as a way of seeking comfort or attention from their owner. If your dog kneads their blanket while cuddling with you, it could be a sign that they are seeking affection and attention.

Temperature Control

Dogs may knead and bite their blanket as a way of regulating their body temperature. When they knead, they may create a small pocket of air between their body and the blanket, which can help keep them warm in colder temperatures. Additionally, kneading may also help them cool down in warmer temperatures, as it helps to circulate air around their body.

Territorial Marking

Dogs are territorial animals, and they mark their space in various ways. One of the ways they mark their space is by kneading and biting their blankets. By doing so, they leave their scent on the blanket, which signals to other animals that this is their territory. This behavior is especially common among puppies, who are still learning about their environment and want to mark their territory.


Sometimes, dogs knead and bite their blankets simply out of habit. They may have developed the behavior as a puppy and continue to do it as they grow older. This behavior is not necessarily a cause for concern unless it is accompanied by other signs of anxiety or stress.

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How Can You Prevent Dogs from Being Destructive?

While kneading is a natural behavior for dogs, it’s important to prevent destructive behavior in general. Here are some ways to prevent dogs from being destructive:

  1. Provide enough exercise and mental stimulation. Dogs need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep their minds and bodies occupied. Lack of activity and boredom can lead to destructive behavior. Regular walks, playtime, and training sessions can provide the necessary stimulation for your dog.
  2. Crate training: Crates can be an effective tool to keep your dog safe and prevent destructive behavior when you are away. Dogs are den animals and feel secure in a crate. However, crate training should be done gradually, using positive reinforcement.
  3. Proper training and socialization: Dogs need to be trained and socialized to behave appropriately in different situations. Basic obedience training can help your dog understand boundaries and commands. Socialization with other dogs and people can also help your dog feel more comfortable in different settings.
  4. Remove access to tempting items: If your dog is kneading and biting on blankets or other items, it’s essential to remove access to these items. Keep them out of reach or in a closed room or cabinet.
  5. Provide appropriate chew toys: Dogs need to chew, and providing them with appropriate chew toys can redirect their kneading behavior. Make sure the chew toys are safe and suitable for your dog’s size and chewing style.
  6. Seek professional help: If your dog’s destructive behavior continues despite your efforts, seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and suggest appropriate strategies to modify your dog’s behavior.

By following these tips, you can prevent your dog from being destructive and ensure a safe and happy environment for both you and your pet.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should you allow your dogs to knead?

Yes, you can allow your dogs to knead, as it is a natural behavior for them. Kneading is often associated with contentment and relaxation in dogs, similar to how cats knead when they’re happy. It’s a common behavior in puppies, as they mimic the nursing behavior of their mother.

Is it normal for my dog to knead and bite their blanket?

Yes, it’s a natural behavior for dogs that helps them feel comfortable and soothe themselves.

Should I be concerned if my dog kneads and bites their blanket excessively?

Excessive kneading and biting can be a sign of anxiety or stress. If you notice any other signs of anxiety, such as pacing or whining, it’s a good idea to talk to your vet.

What can I do to help my dog stop kneading and biting their blanket?

Providing your dog with a comfortable and safe environment can help reduce any stress-related behaviors. You can also try providing your dog with a variety of toys to keep them occupied and distracted.

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